OR, Mention the features of the British Constitution.

Although the oldest and most influential constitution, the British constitution is largely unwritten. So Munro described the British regime as the mother of all regimes. Although unwritten, the British Constitution was formed

Based on several sources. Therefore, in the discussion of the British constitution, the discussion of its sources is very important. Features of British Constitution: The features of the British government are discussed below:

1. Common Law: Common law is one of the features of the British Constitution. Unwritten common law is based on the traditional polity of Britain. These laws are free from the control of the Parliament but are recognized as acceptable throughout the governance system.

2. Customary law: Common law in Britain is recognized as a protector of individual liberties and an important part of governance. Customary law is a significant source of British governance. Customary law is a set of prevailing and necessary administrative practices and policies that have been recognized as law through centuries of movement.

3. Unwritten Constitution: The main feature of the British constitution is that most of it is unwritten. A large part of the constitution covers common law and customary provisions. However, although the British constitution is unwritten, not all its parts are unwritten.

4. Statutory Act: An important feature of the British constitution is statutory law. The British Parliament has the sovereign power to make common law as well as constitutional law the field is proactive.

5. Evolution: The British Constitution is constantly changing through the evolving customary provisions, constitutional customs, laws made by Parliament, judicial decisions, etc. It was not written by any group, Parliament or Constituent Assembly.

6. Two-Party System: Although there are many political parties in Britain, only two have been able to gain dominance. Hence the party system in Britain is called a two-party system
is done.

Conclusion: Finally, it can be said that the British Constitution has many features. All the sources of the British constitution cannot be traced to any one particular document or law.

The British constitution is not made but developed Explain in brief.

Or, “The British Constitution is made, not made” – comment.

Or, Analyze the quote “The British Constitution was not made, it was gradually built up”.

The history of the origin of the regimes of other countries of the world and the history of the origin of the British regime are not the same. However, one of the main documents in this governance system is the constitution, which is unwritten. Because of this, many have questioned the existence of this constitution. Others praised it.

The British Constitution is not made it is made: The British Constitution is unwritten. It has evolved through various stages. The sources of British rule can be divided into two parts. namely-

(a) Regime law and (b) Regime customs.

(a) Regime Laws: The Regime Laws are described below:

1. Historical Charters and Treaties: British governance is composed of several charters and treaties. As a result, the relationship between the ruler and the ruled and the fundamental rights and duties of the citizen is determined. The Great Charter of 1215, the Bill of Rights of 1628, etc. are important sources of governance.

2. Statutory Law: The second most important source of British governance is statutory law. The British Parliament has undertaken to legislate common law as well as administrative legislation under its sovereign powers. For example, the Habeas Corpus Act was passed in 1679, and the Settlement Act in 1701 regarding personal liberties.

3. Judicial Decisions: Judicial decisions are considered to be the source of British governance. Courts create new administrative laws regarding the interpretation of charters and statutory laws.

4. Customar Law: Significant Source of the British Constitution is customary law. In Britain, customary law is recognized as a protector of individual liberties and an important part of governance.

5. Other Sources: Apart from parliamentary laws and customs, the special powers of the king and the writings of learned men are also considered sources of British governance.

(b) Regime rules: Regimes are the most notable and important part of British governance. Its proper form of governance cannot be grasped only by the method of the law. This is why it is important to discuss governance practices and customs along with the legal framework. J. According to S. Mill, “Governmental norms are the unwritten rules of governance.” These are the relationship between the king and the cabinet, and the relationship between the cabinet and the parliament. The parliamentary session is governed by many important constitutional norms such as the internal working of Parliament, the rights of people, etc.

Conclusion: Finally we can say that the British Constitution has many sources. Not all the sources of the British Constitution can be traced to any particular document or law. This constitution is the child of custom and of God, whose course has been regulated sometimes by divine events, sometimes by higher plans.

Why is the British Constitution completely unwritten? Explain in brief.

Or, what is the reason for writing the British Constitution? Discuss in brief.

Or, why is the British constitution not completely unwritten? Describe in brief.

Britain is an ancient and traditional country. But Britain is not a big country but it is made up of different parts There was no need for a written constitution to harmonize the aspirations of the people. The basic principles of the British Constitution are unsettled in customary rules, customs, and traditions of the past. Hence it is called an unwritten constitution. However, this constitution is not completely unwritten.

Reasons why the British Constitution is not completely unwritten: Although the British Constitution is generally described as unwritten, it is not all unwritten. Because a written constitution does not mean that it is completely written. The scope of the written constitution is only a few pages. But to rule a country, many laws are needed. Much of which remains unwritten. Many of the basic principles and rules of the British Constitution are in written form. But it is only one document somewhere Not bound in. Many basic principles of the British Constitution And rules are in written form. Written in the British Constitution Rules, statutes, judicial decisions and judicial decisions to be found in the judgment. A large part of the current British constitution is written. With the change of political pot Many parts of the British constitution are now taking a written form which was not previously the case. However, the basic structure is still unwritten.

Conclusion: Finally we can say that the British constitution is basically unwritten but said in the context of the discussion. However, the British Constitution is not entirely unwritten. Experts believe that the caliber of the unwritten part of the British constitution will become more inflated in the near future.

Why is the Constitution of Great Britain unwritten? Explain in brief.

OR, State the reasons why the British Constitution was unwritten.

Or, why is the British constitution largely called an unwritten constitution?

Or, the constitution of Great Britain is completely unwritten? Write briefly.

Introduction: Among the constitutions of the modern world, the oldest and most traditional constitution is that of Great Britain. Munro commented about this constitution, “The British constitution is the mother of all constitutions.” Therefore, the characteristics of this constitution are somewhat different from other constitutions. Over the ages the British Constitution has survived and influenced the constitutions of other countries directly and indirectly.

Why the British Constitution is unwritten: The reasons why the British Constitution is unwritten are explained:

  1. Historical reasons: The British constitution was not created in a day; Rather, in the course of historical evolution of different times
    develops. If we look at the historical background, it can be seen that the environment conditions required for constitution making were absent in British history. Britain has never been a colony or subjugation of any country. As a result, Britain did not need to create its own constitution freed from subjugation.
  2. Absence of Revolution Rebellion: Changes in political ideals result in the constitution being published in written form
    can For example, in China, as a result of the successful movement led by the Communist Party, they formulated the constitution of the new society.
    There was no such revolutionary uprising in Britain. As a result, the environment for writing the constitution was not created.
  3. The Empiricist Attitude of the English: The English Nation Always the empiricist is more enthusiastic about the constitution containing the necessary measures to be taken in the governance of the country. For this reason, the British nation did not write their constitution at all.
  4. Source Factors: The Constitution of Britain did not originate from any specific sources; Rather, constitutional customs and traditions govern a large part of this constitution. Due to which the constitution of Britain is called a dynamic constitution and due to differences in sources, it was not possible to give written terms of Britain.
  5. Psychological factors: Psychological factors play an important role in the unwritten constitution of Britain. The people of Britain have mentally accepted their unwritten constitution.

Conclusion: Finally we can say that apart from the above reasons behind the unwritten constitution of Britain there were reasons like the failure of the Commonwealth constitution, social and political reasons, etc. in Lord Johnson’s opinion.

“Britain has no constitution” – explain.

Or, briefly analyze the statement “The British Constitution does not exist”.

Or, Britain has no constitution? Analyze the quote.

Introduction: The constitutional structure of Great Britain has evolved over many centuries. This evolution and change has taken place along the path of social evolution. Its large-scale bureaucratic structure is composed of an institutional system consisting of various contrasting processes.

No Constitution in Britain: Many thinkers think that Great Britain has no constitution. Below is a detailed discussion about the constitution of Britain:

Argument against: Many political scientists believe that there is no such thing as a constitution of Great Britain. this never made Since Britain was not under any country, no constitution was formed in Britain. According to thinkers such as Tocqueville, Thomas Paine, and Bernard Shaw, there is no such thing as the Constitution of Great Britain. Tocqueville remarked, “There is no such thing as a constitution in England”.

Arguments for: Many have tried to establish opposing doctrines against this idea. They believe that Great Britain has a constitution and this constitution is one of the main constitutions. However, this constitution cannot be presented in the form of a statutory document like the United States, Canada, Switzerland, France or India. To properly characterize the controversy surrounding the existence of the Constitution of Great Britain, it is necessary to explain the Constitution. Constitution in narrow sense means-

  1. A written and statutory document.
  2. The document is made by the Constituent Assembly, Legislature or any other authorized body at a specific time.
  3. The powers and functions of various government agencies and institutions are clearly explained in those statutory documents.
  4. Mention clearly the period of writing of the constitution and the date of its coming into force.

Conclusion: In conclusion, there is no such thing as a constitution of Great Britain. It is not possible to present this Constitution in the form of a unified and statutory document.

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saikat mondal

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